Thursday, January 14, 2010

I can pull my pants down without unbuttoning!!

It's true. I tried it today. I might not be able to right after I wash the pants, but right now I can and it feels pretty dang good. :)

So, after meeting with my "personal trainer" yesterday, I decided to get a really good workout in....mostly aerobic. I really don't like running, but I decided that would be a good way to get my heart rate up. On Wii Fit there is a "free run" and "free step" thing you can do while watching T.V. After I did a warmup with Bob on my Biggest Loser game, I did a boxing routine on Wii Fit (just to start out slow, cause I had just eaten dinner). Then I turned on the "free step" and did it for half an hour, did "free run" for 20 minutes, "free step" another half hour, and ended with "free run" for 10 minutes.  If the Wii calculations can be trusted, I ran just about 4 miles. Well I use the term "run" was more of a light jog. However, I never once resorted to just walking and I was pretty proud of that. Anyway, I got in a good 2 hour workout....and got to watch "Hitch" while doing it (excellent show).  It was great! Wahoo for me!

It snowed in the night last night. It was a beautiful morning. I really like snow. It's so pretty on the trees. When I got to work, I decided to shovel Kathi's driveway, just for the workout benefit. So, I got my 3 little charges bundled up and we went out in the cold. My nephew was actually pretty excited about the snow. A couple weeks ago I had gotten a little snow shovel for him, so he could learn to shovel the walks. I know he's only 3, but it's good for him to learn to do things like that at a young age. Although he can't do it himself, he can work with us and learn to be a good man. Anyway, he's been looking forward to the snow to do some shoveling. He was a good little worker, although not very productive. :)

Unfortunately, I forgot to stretch after shoveling. To make matters worse, when I came in, I went right to the piano and sat there for a while before moving again. Yeah. I was pretty sore. It's a good thing I know that "sore" is good.

So, my food today has been a little more calories than usual. I had a panini for lunch, which had over 400 and spaghetti pie with two pieces of toast. Hmmm....I hope it doesn't backfire on me for my weigh-in tomorrow. I better go home and get in another good workout. I'm actually excited to see what progress I've made this week when I measure tomorrow. I hope I get some good numbers.

  • Cheerios
  • Yogurt

  • Panini 

  • Spaghetti pie
  • Two slices of toast - seasoned with butter, garlic, salad seasoning, and some parmesan cheese -broiled

  • 3 Tootsie Roll jaw breakers
  • Mini Delights
  • Apple

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