Friday, February 26, 2010


So, I reluctantly got on the scale this morning. I was looking at the last two digits of the weight to see how much damage was done this week. When I saw "98" I was confused, so I looked at the first digit: "1." Well, that didn't make sense. That would mean I lost..... FOURTEEN POUNDS??!?!!!?? WHAT???!?!?!???

Yeah, I didn't believe that for a second! So, I got on again.....199. Third time's the charm? 198. Something wasn't right! This was all done on the Biggest Loser game, so I decided to see what Wii Fit had to say. The little scale/widget guy has never lied to me before (he always grunts in pain when I step on the balance board...rude!). 197

I called Kathi and my mom in complete shock. How could this be. My mom was convinced something was wrong. I was as well. I had decided to weigh in on Kathi's scale as well when I got to her house. In the mean time, I thought that I should try it at home one more time. I had put the balance board away, so I got it back out and made sure it was how it was supposed to be. This time, I weighed in at 211. THAT'S more like it! The balanced board must have been unbalanced somehow with the earlier weights.

Not a funny joke, but I'm glad I caught it. I'm glad it was such an outrageous number that I thought to question it. I would have hated to count it and then gain 10 pounds next week. That would be bad! I'm just glad I didn't gain. I'll take 1 pound this week! I think that's great!

So, yeah. That was my weigh-in this morning. Sure woke me up fast, that's for sure! :)

Oh, and I gained 1.75 inches....I knew it!

  • Multigrain Cheerios
  • Special K cereal bar

  • Black beans, brown rice and cheese (not a burrito)

  • Corned beef
  • Baked Lays potato chips 
  • (You think that's should have seen what the kids had!)

  • Protein bar
  • Fiber One bar
  • Captain Crunch cereal (small milk)
  • A scoop of ice cream

Date --------------2/19/10------------2/26/10------------Total Lost ------ Grand Total
Neck -------------- 13.5----------------- 13.75 ------------ -0.25 ---------------- 0.75
Right Arm--------- 15 ------------------- 15 --------------- 0 ---------------------- 0
Left Arm----------- 16 --------------- 15.75 -------------- 0.25 ---------------- 0.25
Bust ---------------- 50.25 ------------- 49 ----------------- 1.25 ---------------- 3
Midriff ------------- 38.25 -------------- 38.5 ------------ -0.25 --------------- 1.55
Waist -------------- 40.5 ----------------- 40.5 ------------ 0 ------------------- 2.5
Belly --------------- 46.5 -------------- 48.75 ------------ -2.25 --------------- 2.75
Hips --------------- 51 ---------------- 51.25 ------------- -0.25 ----------------- 2.5
Right Thigh ------- 26.5 --------------- 27.25 ----------- -0.75 ---------------- 0.75
Left Thigh --------- 27.25 -------------- 26.75 ---------- 0.5 ------------------ 1.25
Right Calf --------- 15.25 ------------- 15.25 ------------- 0 ------------------ 0.25
Left Calf ----------- 15.5 -------------- 15.5 -------------- 0 --------------------- 0

Total Inches ----- 355.5 ------------- 357.25 
Inches Lost ----------------------------- -1.75 --------- -1.75 ---------------- 15.5

Weight ------------ 212 ---------- 211
Weight Lost ---------------------- 1 --------------------------------------------- 20
Percentage ----------------------- 0.47% ------------------------------------- 8.66%

*Is it just me or does it seem like I don't actually "lose" inches....they just relocate to other parts of my body?


  1. LOL, relocate...yep, happens to me all the time. One pound is one pound! That's one pound less to deal with later. Love you, you really are doing great!

  2. Oh! Don't get me wrong....although it wasn't 14, I was happy with the one pound! I really was scared I would gain this week.
