Friday, February 5, 2010


That is my best impersonation of Yosemite Sam. *SIGH*

It was another bad week for measurements...I didn't even lose anything. I didn't gain anything (thankfully!) but if the trend continues, I will next week.

It's so stinkin' frustrating! I really work hard and I have nothing to show for it. I was brainstorming with my friend, Anna, today about what the issues might be. We touched on several things, and as the conversation was closing, I mentioned how tired I've been feeling lately. That reminded me that I haven't been getting to bed very early. We decided that very well could be a big factor in it all. For the next week I'm going to take another dose of Tai Slim at dinner (as well as breakfast and lunch) and make a conscious effort to go to bed 11:00 at the latest. We'll see how that works out next week. If it doesn't kick my body into gear, I've got a couple more things I'll try.

Plus, I'm trying to look at the big picture (no pun intended)....I have lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks. That's not so bad, right? And, even though I've been steadily gaining a little bit of inches the past few weeks, I've still lost 11 4 weeks. In fact, besides my right arm (where I've gained a total of 0.25 inches) and my left arm (where I've neither gained nor lost) (who really cares about your arms when you've got so much more to work on?) I've lost inches in all my other measurements -- overall. I've got to remember that.

Thankfully, this does not discourage me to the point of saying "why even bother trying." In fact, just the opposite is true. I'm so frustrated I wonder what MORE I can do. Really...I'm ready to do whatever it takes (well, as long as "whatever" doesn't involve doing careful calculations of every calorie I even look at and cutting out anything with flavor). I just don't know what that could be. Well, besides go to bed earlier. And speaking of bed, it's almost 11:00....I've got to hurry with this post.

On another note....I got my Vegenaise in the mail today. I haven't used it, but I did take a little taste with my finger. To me, it tastes pretty much the same as regular mayo, so I'm excited to try it out. Thanks, Salena, for the suggestion!

It was a crazy day today, with lots going on. While I was able to get breakfast and lunch in, I didn't have any snacks. By the time dinner came around, I decided to figure out a rough estimate of exactly how many calories I had eaten up to that point. I figured it out to be about 600. My dinner was a little over 600 more, so I had some ice cream tonight to supplement. Not the best choice, I know, but I still have some, and I only had a little bit. Once it's gone (one more small serving left), I really won't be tempted to buy any more (I had purchased this before this whole thing started) and I'll go with other things to supplement my calories. Hey, it was good, though! Plus, I didn't have very much at all, so I didn't get sick.

After weighing and measuring today, I had some pictures taken again. You'll notice the look on my face isn't so pleasant. That was my "okay, let's get this over with, even though I feel crappy about the results (or non-results) of the measuring today" look. I'm wearing different clothes, but I'm this particular outfit is what I'm hoping to wear for pictures from now on....or something similar, just because it's a little more form-fitting. I figured that would make it a bit easier to see any changes.

  • Egg
  • 1 slice of turkey bacon
  • 1 cheese slice
  • 1/2 a bun

  • Black beans and brown rice and cheese burrito

  • 2 Black beans and brown rice and cheese burritos
  • Broccoli

  • Ice cream


Okay....on to the nitty-gritty, ugly measurements...

Date --------------1/15/10------------1/22/10------------Total Lost ------ Grand Total
Neck -------------- 14----------------- 14 --------------------- 0 ---------------------- 0.5
Right Arm--------- 15.5 ------------ 15.25 ------------------ 0.25 ------------------ -0.25
Left Arm----------- 16 --------------- 16 --------------------- 0 ------------------------ 0
Bust ---------------- 50.5 ------------ 50 --------------------- 0.5 ------------------------ 2
Midriff ------------- 39.5 -------------- 39.25 ------------------ 0.25 ---------------- 0.75
Waist -------------- 43 ----------------- 42 --------------------- 1 ------------------------- 1
Belly --------------- 45.75 ----------- 49.5 ----------------- -3.75 ------------------------ 2
Hips --------------- 52.25 --------------- 52 ---------------- 0.25 --------------------- 1.75
Right Thigh ------- 26.5 --------------- 26.25 ----------------- 0.25 ---------------- 1.75
Left Thigh --------- 27.25 -------------- 27.25 ---------------- 0 ---------------------0.75
Right Calf --------- 15.5 ---------------- 15 ------------------- 0.5 -------------------- 0.5
Left Calf ----------- 15.5 ------------ 15.25 ------------------ 0.25 -------------------- 0.25

Total Inches ----- 361.25 -------- 361.75 
Inches Lost --------------------------- -0.5 -------------------- -0.5 ------------------- 11.5

Weight ------------ 218 ---------- 218
Weight Lost ---------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------- 13
Percentage ----------------------- 0.00% ------------------------------------------ 5.63%

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