Sunday, June 20, 2010

A NEW new beginning everybody. I'm back. Did you miss me??

I know, I know, I disappeared for quite a while and you are all wondering what the heck is going on! Lemme 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up: I puttered out. It was a slow, but steady process. Oh, I didn't quit altogether. Well, not until this last week. But, that happened because I went on vacation to Disneyland. Who diets at Disneyland? I'm hanging my head in shame, actually. *sigh*

On a positive note, though, I did manage to get down to 197. That was pretty exciting. I was super excited the week I was under 200. I vowed never to see the 200's again unless I am pregnant, and even then I hope not to see it. So, I guess I didn't do too bad during my hiatus. Of course, when I weighed the Friday before I went on vacation (I didn't want to, but I had to hold myself accountable!) I had gained back a pound and weighed in at 198. It was sad. That was the first time I ever gained during this whole process. :(

Well, I've now that I'm back from vacation and have no more excuses, I have decided it is time to take a deep breath, eat one last ice cream sandwich, and refocus! That's right. I'm back!

Of course, to jump start my new beginning and to ensure I work super hard this week so as not to see 200 again from my vacation, I better give myself some incentive. We all know what motivates me more than anything and that is paying money if I do/don't do something. So, you have a chance (yeah, right) to get some money this week. No, scratch that, let's make that for the rest of June (with slight exceptions on the 29th and 30th). So, what are the goals and what is the consequence?
  1. I will do at least 1/2 hour exercise every day except Sunday.
  2. I will update my blog every day
  3. I will be in bed by midnight. 

  1. I am going to Washington for my niece's wedding Tuesday, June 29. Therefore, I will not have to exercise that day or Wednesday, June 30. 
  2. While in Washington, I am going to visit with my family and will not give myself a bedtime deadline of midnight.
Sound good? Good. Now, what if I don't do the aforementioned items? I will pay each of you faithful followers $10.

Okay. And this starts......NOW!   GO! 


  1. Whoohoo- money!!! I have missed your blog, I confess. Congrats on hitting under 200, that's awesome. My last week of pregnancy I weighed exactly 200 lbs, I felt awful, lol. Welcome back to blogland:)

  2. Sounds Great to ME!!! :) But I know I won't be seeing any money because I have faith in you and YOU CAN and Will Succeed. Now tell me the same things as I have gained 5 pounds this month!!!!! So glad to have you back blogging. Looking forward to it every day!!! My goal.. do nothing each morning until I have read Kristy latest blog entry :)

  3. LOL! Michele, you crack me up! Thanks for your support! I really appreciate it and I'm glad y'all enjoy my blog :)
