Thursday, March 4, 2010

*fingers crossed*

I'm hoping for good results tomorrow. I was so anxious to know how I am doing, I actually weighed tonight...211. That was my weight last week, so it should be down in the morning. Phew!

Today was such a crazy day. It was go! go! go! all day. I didn't have time for lunch. That's bad, huh! I made up for it with some peppermint chocolate squares tonight, though. :)

I got a good workout tonight with Bob. Then I did some toning stuff and did twice as much as usual. So, my muscles are a little sore...and I love it!

  • Oatmeal Squares cereal

  • I already told you, I didn't have time for lunch (but I did have a couple protein bars)

  • Spaghetti pie
  • Cheese/garlic toast

  • A couple protein bars to get me through the day
  • 5 peppermint chocolate squares
  • 1 Tootsie Roll


  1. Hey Kristi! Good work! I saw that you called this morning, but I missed the call! I hope that you had some good results. I noticed that in your diet, that there are not many fruits or vegies. I bet that adding some servings of those would help make the results faster. Can't wait to hear what happened...will talk soon! Anna

  2. You are correct, of course. I don't know why I have such a hard time with that. I guess I just don't make it a priority and therefore it doesn't happen.
