Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm baaaa-aaaack!

I went on a little trip over the weekend and really didn't have time to do anything with the blog. I back now and can update everything. Wahoo!

So, to start off, I did post the results from my weigh-in on Friday. I was pretty happy with that! The night before, after my workout and before I took my shower, I was examining my body in the mirror (I know you don't really want to know that, but it's something I do regularly). I sucked in my gut and guess what I saw.....I saw some definition starting to take form. I have a two-pack. Isn't that so great?!?!!??? I poked it and it was soft and gushy, but there was definition and I've never had that before. Pretty dang exciting! I'm looking forward to the day I don't have to suck in my gut to see it. Maybe by that time I might have a 4-pack when I suck in.

I'm not going to list everything I ate for my meals over the days I didn't blog. It's just too much for my little brain to remember. However, I do know that despite traveling, I did very well with my food choices, and my birthday was Saturday, so I did especially well! On Friday, my sister and friend took me out to dinner. Knowing it would be more calories, I didn't really eat lunch. I tried sushi for the first time that night. It was pretty good! I had eel in it. Crazy stuff!

For my trip, I got a suite with a kitchen so I didn't have to worry about eating out at all. We went to the grocery store on Saturday night and got stuff to eat on Sunday. That helped with eating better. Some of the things I ate were:
  • cheese stick
  • protein bars
  • bowl of cereal
  • frozen penini
  • apple
  • tortilla chips
  • rice with pulled pork stuff and vegetables (that's what they had for dinner at the activity I went to)

I definitely would have done better at home, obviously, but for traveling, I'm pretty happy with how it all went.

Today we celebrated my birthday at home with my family, so I gave myself permission to not be so strict with what I ate, although I think I did pretty good. I didn't have breakfast at all (I wasn't really hungry and I knew I would be eating plenty of calories the rest of the day). I went to lunch with my niece and her boyfriend and my family. I didn't do too bad at the restaurant. For my birthday dinner, I chose to have vegetable pizza and fruit pizza. Sure, it sounds very healthy, but lots of calories with cream cheese in both pizzas and a cookie crust on the fruit pizza. It was good. :)

As for exercise, I got a good workout at the dance Saturday night. I didn't do anything today though. Saturday night I only got like 3 hours of sleep, so I was pretty much dead to the world today, trying to catch up. I'm pretty excited, though. The activity I went to was a luau and they had some hula dancers. I realized that hula dancing would be a great workout, and it would be fun! So, I'm going to look for a training video on how to hula dance and that will be my workouts. I'll do it with the kids, cause they'll love it too! I think that would be lots of fun, not that anyone would ever, EVER see me doing it (other than the kids).

Okay, I'll post the result charts I missed on Friday then go back to bed. :)

Date --------------1/15/10------------1/22/10------------Total Lost ------ Grand Total
Neck -------------- 14----------------- 13.5 ---------------- 0.5 ---------------------- 1
Right Arm--------- 15.25 ------------ 15.25 --------------- 0 ------------------ -0.25
Left Arm----------- 16 --------------- 15.75 -------------- 0.25 ----------------- 0.25
Bust ---------------- 50 ------------ 49.25 ----------------- 0.75 ------------------ 2.75
Midriff ------------- 39.25 -------------- 38.5 ------------ 0.75 ---------------- 1.5
Waist -------------- 42 ----------------- 42.25 ------------ -0.5 ------------------- 0.5
Belly --------------- 49.5 ----------- 49.75 --------------- -0.25 --------------- 1.75
Hips --------------- 52 --------------- 51.5 ---------------- 0.5 ------------------- 2.25
Right Thigh ------- 26.25 --------------- 26.25 ----------- 0 ------------------- 1.75
Left Thigh --------- 27.25 -------------- 26.75 ---------- 0.5 --------------------- 1.25
Right Calf --------- 15 ---------------- 15.25 ------------- -0.25 ----------------- 0.25
Left Calf ----------- 15.25 ------------ 15.75 ------------- -0.5 ----------------- -0.25

Total Inches ----- 361.75 ------------- 360 
Inches Lost --------------------------- 1.75 -------------------- 1.75 ---------- 12.75

Weight ------------ 218 ---------- 215
Weight Lost ---------------------- 3 -------------------------------------------------- 16
Percentage ----------------------- 1.38% ------------------------------------------ 6.93%


  1. Hehe, you hula dancing. . . .something I want to see! Congrats on the almost toned-tummy and the weight loss. Happy birthday!!!

  2. LOL...I'm sure you would like to see it. It's not gonna happen!
