Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dumb Boys!

I've been having kind of a slacker week. This is not good!! I am about to start my period ANY DAY! I should be working extra hard to counteract that!! What do I do? Sit around and pine for some guy who won't call. STUPID boys! Okay, I did dance a little today during nap time....I think I woke up the baby who was sleeping in the room underneath me. Oops. But still! I could have done something more this evening. Bah!

And I'm hungry.

I need to end this day and go to bed.


(stupid stupid stupid...)

  • Multigrain Cheerios

  • Black beans, brown rice and cheese burrito

  • Beef flavored pot pie...with a cheese slice in it

  • Mini Delights
  • 6 Tootsie Rolls
  • Captain Crunch cereal


  1. Boys . . . . . lol. It's a good thing for computers or my husband would never had the courage to call me, lol, but email and chat is somehow less terrifying:)

  2. Unfortunately, he hasn't emailed either! Really, I don't know if I freaked him out (he did call once...Saturday), or if he's busy, or if he's following some dating game rule that says to wait a week before making contact again, or what! Frustrating!!
