Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What a load of..... great ideas for someone other than myself? I just got done at Gold's Gym, where I met my very nice "personal trainer." I was really hoping to get trained on a medicine ball, or ideas on how to work out on my own, since there were no obligations for joining or anything. Silly thinking on my part, I know. The whole thing felt like a big "you better join our gym or you'll never succeed, and just to prove it, here is a 3D picture of what you look like and what you'll look like forever unless you join our gym and do our program, and by the way, you're going to die from a combination of Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer unless you join our gym, plus you're a really big loser (and I don't mean in weight) if you don't join our gym" campaign. Yeah. I have my second free session with my "personal trainer" next week at 8:00 A.M. And the time alone is enough to make me want to cancel, considering I don't have to be to work until 9:30.

Here's the thing: if I joined a gym and worked out every day and ate the exact amount of calories I'm supposed to I will be extremely successful. I would get to my ideal weight (of 154) by September 22, and look really great (I know, cause she showed me a 3D picture of what I could look like, but only if I joined the gym). However, how boring would this blog be?!?

So, dear reader (hi, Mom), I am only thinking of you when I say I am not going to join a gym - Gold's or any other! And do you know what....I'm going to succeed still. In fact, that is my new goal! I will be 154 pounds by September 22! I'm going to do it!!! I'm going to post this picture on the fridge and look at it, you know, every once in a while when I get into the fridge.

Wanna see?

See.....looks just like me, doesn't it?

But this is what I'm going to look like on September 22! Take a look at those abs!


  • Egg
  • Toast
  • Milk

  • Hamburger - fixed like last night
  • Carrots (I found a way to eat bite hamburger, one carrot)


  • Apple
  • Special K Cereal Bar
  • Mini Delights


  1. hahahaha those dumb gym people!!! you will do awesome without their gym!! I hate working out in the gym! So... you should run a marathon with me!! I did the half last summer and LOVED it and now I'm going to the full 26.2 miles!! you should totally do it with me! Its amazing!!
    Elsa :)

  2. Um, you not understand that I really do hate running. I only "jog" because I don't have the fancy equipment they have at the gym to get in a good aerobic workout. I'm super proud of you, though!!! That's awesome!
