Thursday, March 4, 2010

Workin' on it

So, I got rid of Bridgemaxx. Wahoo! Unfortunately, now I have no internet access for a few days. Well, unless (like now), I can get a signal from a neighbor. But, in order for that to happen, I have to contort myself into all kinds of strange positions in odd places in my house. Wow, it's a good thing I've been successful in my weight-loss endeavors, or I'd never get out of some of these poses. :)

Yesterday and tonight I have been trying to get this Dance Dance Revolution down. It's tough! The problem is, I have an addictive personality and can't stop something until I do well. And "well" in this case is to earn an A. This is only achieveable at the "basic" level...anything below that is too basic and I have no patience for it, and anything above it....well....let's just say....HOLY FREAKIN' NO WAY JOSE! Perhaps one day I might be able to pass a level without failing....maybe get through the entire routine, but that day is a long way from here.

So, anyway tonight there was one song that was just darn near impossible to get an A in. Thankfully I was able to do it, finally. Then I remembered the one song I had skipped (after earning a D). I didn't like the song and I couldn't figure out the "beat" (I use the term loosely), so I had skipped it. So, I decided I have to get an A in that too. At 11:30, I finally decided a "B" was good enough for tonight. I'll have to conquer that song another night.


  • Baked oatmeal with peaches and milk

  • Black beans, brown rice and cheese

  • Pot pie with cheese slice

  • Protein bar


  • Baked oatmeal with peaches and milk

  • Ummm....I sorta forgot to eat lunch, but I had a protein bar around 4:00 

  • Salmon
  • Fried rice
  • Broccoli

  • Protein bar (another one)
  • Strawberry shortcake


  1. Who is your new provider going to be? Last time I looked I couldn't find anything cheaper than bridgemaxx. Dance Dance sounds like fun, I'm a wii fit fan myself. Maybe we'll have to swap some day and let you play my wii while I dance away. You should have taken a pic on sunday and posted it, you looked sooo tiny!

  2. I'm actually going with a wireless card from my Verizon - one that looks like a little jump drive, but it's internet access. This way I can connect anywhere. It's not cheap, but with everything I do, it's worth it to me.

    We should have a dance party some time. That would be fun. Of course, that would mean dancing in front of people. I dance in front of Cody right now, but who really cares what my brother thinks :)

    You are so sweet! Although, I wouldn't got so far as to say "tiny," but I was feeling pretty good. Of course, I had on gut-sucking nylons as well. I'll be taking another picture tomorrow, hopefully I'll still look good :)
