Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Movin' On

So, Kathi bought a new house and this week she has been doing lots of moving. I hate it. I moved just a few months ago and the thought of packing, moving, unpacking and organizing makes me want to vomit. I really want nothing to do with it and try my darnedest to not be involved. I do feel that I should feel guilty while watching everyone else work. Hmmm.

How does this affect this little life change of mine, you ask? Well, I will tell you. First of all, I have to go into work a little earlier. Ew. Second, I have to stay longer...not necessarily "ew," cause I like hanging out there....but it's not so fun with Kathi running around crazy making me feel like I should feel guilty for not helping. I'm happy to keep the kids out of the way! Third, we have avoided doing any grocery shopping until after the move. That means there's not much to cook. It's not that bad, cause we get sushi quite often, and (sorry Camille) I really like it. And, starting tonight, people in Kathi's ward are bringing dinner in for us all. Isn't that fabulous? Of course, that means I'm at the mercy of what they bring.....unless I go get sushi :)

Anyway. I didn't do anything as far as exercising yesterday. It was a lazy day for me...just watching everyone take load after load out to the car. Very tiring stuff. Okay, I did help a little after watching my dad take a few trips up and down the stairs to bring up heavy boards. I figured I should help him cause he's 75. It was either that or watch him have a heart attack right in front of me. Yeah, that would have gone over well. So, perhaps that could count as some exercise. I don't really count it, though, cause I didn't even break a sweat...and once my brother got there, I gladly let him take over for me.  So, yeah, probably doesn't really count. Like I said, lazy day.

Today I went to my Aunt Vora's funeral in Pocatello. Then I had to take my brother to the doctor and my nieces to get their hair cut. And when I got back to Kathi's house, she asked me to help with specific things. I am trying to be more helpful, so after the grimace, I was able to paste a rather convincing smile on my face and help. I don't count that as exercise, but when I got home I did some step aerobics and toning.

I tried a new toning thing tonight. See, I still have a two-pack and nothing down a little lower in the abdomen region has been showing much progress. Although I know you can't really lose weight in target areas of your body, I figured I could at least tone up those muscles under the flab, so when the flab is gone, I'll have a nice set of muscles underneath! Wahoo!

Yeah, I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. I like being sore like that, actually, so it's all good. :)


  • Oatmeal Crisp (with almonds) cereal

  • Sushi

  • Tortilla soup (I think that's what it's called....I ate at a friend's house)
  • Pears and cottage cheese

  • Protein bar
  • Ice cream


  • Special K cereal bar
  • Apple
  • Protein bar

  • Subway sandwich
  • Cheetos

  • Lasagna
  • Green salad
  • Roll

  • Protein bar
  • Fiber One bar
  • Tootsie Rolls
  • Ice cream