Sunday, March 21, 2010


Okay...I totally admit that I have been slacking off a whole lot more than I want to with this....and not just the blog, but all of it. It makes me less accountable and that is just not good for me. So! I've decided to refocus! Just the fact that I'm refocusing now is great. I'm going on vacation next week and normally I would say bag it all until I get back. However, I still have my long-term goals and I cannot afford to keep going down hill until after the vacation.

I've got three specific goals for the week, and if I don't do them *gulp* I'll pay each of my "followers" $10. Wow....that will definitely help me!!

Ready for the goals?

1 - Exercise every day (the only exception to this is if I am vomiting sick/break a bone/or any other such thing that may effect my ability to do so)

2 - Go be in bed with the lights off and eyes closed by 11:00 every night!

3 - Update my blog every day.

These goals and my $10 consequence will be in effect from Monday, March 22 - Friday, March 26 (well, actually the bed time won't count that night...weekends don't count. Plus, I'm going to leave Saturday morning and I might need to pack and such)

Okay. I'm officially refocused!

Just cause it's after 11:00 (I know, it's never stopped me before) and I don't officially have to refocus until tomorrow, I'm just going to do another quick update on my weigh-in results and call it good until tomorrow:

-1 pound (really surprised at this) (23 pounds total...wahoo!)
-0.75 pounds (even more surprised at this. I was totally expecting to go up)


  1. While I would LOVE $10, I hope you keep your goals!!! You can do it! When do you leave on vacatiom? The kids and I are coming the 28th and staying until the 3rd for our spring break.

  2. Hmm, what could I buy for $10? Lol, save your money to buy you something fabulous! Spring fashions are my favorite, the colors and styles rock. Good luck!
