Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm not going to insult you with an excuse

Kathi has pointed out to me that when I get something in my head, I am very focused and I just have to let it run its course before I can move on. She calls it my "thing." Sometimes my "thing" is a certain food I have decided I really like. I've had a Twinki "thing," a Chex Bar "thing," a Ruffles and Ranch "thing" (among many others). Sometimes my "thing" is books. I focus, focus, focus until the book is done. Last week my "thing" was researching and building my raised garden beds. This week my "thing" was finding and purchasing a "new" car. That was completed yesterday. Now I can get back to this.

Anyway...this week in a nutshell: not too bad. I didn't exercise as much as I could/should have, but I did some. Um....eating? Pretty good. I will admit that yesterday I did have a small bacon cheese burger and some French fries, with ranch. It didn't settle well with my intestines later that evening. I don't know if that's cause I'm getting older or because I don't eat those things much at all. Probably a combination. I'm certainly not tempted to go do that again any time soon.

So. You're probably wondering about my measurements. Yeah. Me too. The last couple weeks Kathi has not been able to help me out with that. I talked to her tonight, however, and begged her to do them tomorrow. Although I'm feeling a little bloaty because of my period, I'm hoping to have at least a little success, since I haven't measured for about a month. As far as weight last week...I was down a pound. I'm now at 204.

Can you believe that next week is the final weigh-in for the Biggest Loser I'm doing with my sister and friends? That is so crazy. I'm obviously not going to meet my 180 goal. However, I would like to reach at least 30 pounds lost. That means between tomorrow and next week, I will need to have lost 3 pounds. That's totally do-able.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think that will do at all. I am a little OCD and although 30 pounds is a nice round number, it would mean I weighed 201, and that will never do! Nope. I would rather lose 31 pounds and be an even 200. Of course, what would be even cooler would to be out of the 200's altogether and get to at least 199. I know! That's not an even number, but it's okay. See, that would be the beginning of the 100's and that doesn't bother me so bad. In fact, that will motivate me even more!

Let me give you an example of how this works: when I get up in the morning, my clock has to be either at a zero or a five (i.e. :00, or :05, or :10 or :15, etc.). If I happen to open my eyes and look at the clock and it reads :04, that will never do. I will have to close my eyes and try to catch the :05. In anticipation of it, I tend to open my eyes several times before that :04 changes. Once it hits the :05, I can get up. However, if I keep them closed for too long and when I open them I see :06, I cannot get up. I have to wait until :10. That's just how it is. So, if I stop at 201, that is really going to bug me! I need to "end" this competition at 200. But, if I were to be at 199 that would be great because that would mean I was out of the 200's, but it would also bug me and motivate me to keep going because I'd have to keep going to get it to a nice round number. So, I'm going for 199! (can I do 5 pounds? We'll have to see what tomorrow's weigh-in brings...)

Okay....that is all. I'm going to bed now.  :)


  1. Good luck! I'm impressed with how well you're doing - much better than I am. Moving pretty much threw a wrench in things for me, and I haven't been able to get back the level of dedication I had before. You're an inspiration. :)

  2. Kristi, you are rockin! I'm so proud of you. I need some of your motivation.
