Monday, April 5, 2010

Back in the saddle again...

Okay, I'm home. Easter is over. And I've got lots to do before Saturday!!!

Can you believe that Saturday is the end of Gold's Gym's 12 week challenge??? How crazy is that? I have only a few days to completely transform my body so I can go to Hawaii! Too bad the weigh-in didn't happen before vacation, since traveling/vacationing/holidaying is not conducive to losing weight.

Of course, with that weigh-in this weekend, the Biggest Loser weigh-in is coming up quickly as well! I'm not quite where I had hoped to be, but at least I've made progress. I'm also pretty focused again, so that's good. I'll keep pluggin' away and hopefully have some good results.

I did some exercising in tonight. I don't think I got much done while on vacation. I would have done more, but my friend had to take it easy, so we didn't walk very fast. However, I didn't take the moving sidewalk at the airport! Yea me! 

  • Easter egg
  • Toast
  • Milk

  • Nachos

  • Hamburger
  • Carrots
  • 3 chips

  • Protein bar
  • A sucker


  1. What do you win from Gold's Gym? It feels like forever since I've seen you!

  2. Grand prize is a trip to Hawaii....second is money (although I cannot remember how much)...third is a year membership to Gold's. Just watch me win third, cause I have no desire to win it.

    It has been a while, hasn't it! How goes the move?
