Kathi has pointed out to me that when I get something in my head, I am very focused and I just have to let it run its course before I can move on. She calls it my "thing." Sometimes my "thing" is a certain food I have decided I really like. I've had a Twinki "thing," a Chex Bar "thing," a Ruffles and Ranch "thing" (among many others). Sometimes my "thing" is books. I focus, focus, focus until the book is done. Last week my "thing" was researching and building my raised garden beds. This week my "thing" was finding and purchasing a "new" car. That was completed yesterday. Now I can get back to this.
Anyway...this week in a nutshell: not too bad. I didn't exercise as much as I could/should have, but I did some. Um....eating? Pretty good. I will admit that yesterday I did have a small bacon cheese burger and some French fries, with ranch. It didn't settle well with my intestines later that evening. I don't know if that's cause I'm getting older or because I don't eat those things much at all. Probably a combination. I'm certainly not tempted to go do that again any time soon.
So. You're probably wondering about my measurements. Yeah. Me too. The last couple weeks Kathi has not been able to help me out with that. I talked to her tonight, however, and begged her to do them tomorrow. Although I'm feeling a little bloaty because of my period, I'm hoping to have at least a little success, since I haven't measured for about a month. As far as weight last week...I was down a pound. I'm now at 204.
Can you believe that next week is the final weigh-in for the Biggest Loser I'm doing with my sister and friends? That is so crazy. I'm obviously not going to meet my 180 goal. However, I would like to reach at least 30 pounds lost. That means between tomorrow and next week, I will need to have lost 3 pounds. That's totally do-able.
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think that will do at all. I am a little OCD and although 30 pounds is a nice round number, it would mean I weighed 201, and that will never do! Nope. I would rather lose 31 pounds and be an even 200. Of course, what would be even cooler would to be out of the 200's altogether and get to at least 199. I know! That's not an even number, but it's okay. See, that would be the beginning of the 100's and that doesn't bother me so bad. In fact, that will motivate me even more!
Let me give you an example of how this works: when I get up in the morning, my clock has to be either at a zero or a five (i.e. :00, or :05, or :10 or :15, etc.). If I happen to open my eyes and look at the clock and it reads :04, that will never do. I will have to close my eyes and try to catch the :05. In anticipation of it, I tend to open my eyes several times before that :04 changes. Once it hits the :05, I can get up. However, if I keep them closed for too long and when I open them I see :06, I cannot get up. I have to wait until :10. That's just how it is. So, if I stop at 201, that is really going to bug me! I need to "end" this competition at 200. But, if I were to be at 199 that would be great because that would mean I was out of the 200's, but it would also bug me and motivate me to keep going because I'd have to keep going to get it to a nice round number. So, I'm going for 199! (can I do 5 pounds? We'll have to see what tomorrow's weigh-in brings...)
Okay....that is all. I'm going to bed now. :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I like!
I just have to say....it was a beautiful day today!! Unfortunately, I had lots to work on, on the computer and didn't take advantage of the sun. I'm going to have to make a point of that tomorrow.
That's not what "I like" though...although I do like that.....um....yeah. Anyway, what I was referring to is sweating. As I've mentioned before, I am extremely lazy and I used to avoid exercise at all costs. Of course, with my new focus I force myself to do it. For the most part, I have waited until I get home in the evening to do my exercising, but I tried something different yesterday and today. I took my exercise clothes to Kathi's house and exercised during nap time (yesterday) and the late afternoon (when I was off the clock and before dinner) (today). I used her Eliptical (okay, that's what I call it, but it's not really that....it's something else. I was taking note of it while exercising today, but, of course cannot recall that information now). Pretty much what persuaded me to do so was the fact that I wanted to listen to an audio book that I have, but didn't want to just sit around to do it. So, I took advantage of that time to both "read" and exercise. I really liked it when evening came and I knew I didn't "have" to exercise. I could just relax at home. It was really nice.
On a side note, due to my lazy tendencies, I have decided to purchase another set of workout clothes so I don't have to transport my one set back and forth from Kathi's house. That would require too much effort.
Wow. I still haven't gotten to what my subject is referring to. Anyway! Working out on that really makes me sweat. That's what "I like." Mind you, I don't necessarily like sweating. Nor do I like to be hot (Kathi will attest to the fact that I try to make my exercise environment as cool as possible...even if that means messing up the heating system). However, there is something strangely satisfying in working out enough to make oneself sweat. Am I the only one who feels this way?
That's not what "I like" though...although I do like that.....um....yeah. Anyway, what I was referring to is sweating. As I've mentioned before, I am extremely lazy and I used to avoid exercise at all costs. Of course, with my new focus I force myself to do it. For the most part, I have waited until I get home in the evening to do my exercising, but I tried something different yesterday and today. I took my exercise clothes to Kathi's house and exercised during nap time (yesterday) and the late afternoon (when I was off the clock and before dinner) (today). I used her Eliptical (okay, that's what I call it, but it's not really that....it's something else. I was taking note of it while exercising today, but, of course cannot recall that information now). Pretty much what persuaded me to do so was the fact that I wanted to listen to an audio book that I have, but didn't want to just sit around to do it. So, I took advantage of that time to both "read" and exercise. I really liked it when evening came and I knew I didn't "have" to exercise. I could just relax at home. It was really nice.
On a side note, due to my lazy tendencies, I have decided to purchase another set of workout clothes so I don't have to transport my one set back and forth from Kathi's house. That would require too much effort.
Wow. I still haven't gotten to what my subject is referring to. Anyway! Working out on that really makes me sweat. That's what "I like." Mind you, I don't necessarily like sweating. Nor do I like to be hot (Kathi will attest to the fact that I try to make my exercise environment as cool as possible...even if that means messing up the heating system). However, there is something strangely satisfying in working out enough to make oneself sweat. Am I the only one who feels this way?
- Kashi cereal - Strawberry Fields (are you familiar with Kashi? I just discovered the company. When I went shopping last night I found that they make a few organic cereals. Since I'm starting to get into things like that, I was very happy to make this discovery)
- Hamburger (not the kind I'd like to have, but I also don't want the food to go to waste)
- Black beans and rice burrito (like last night)
- Protein bars
- A piece of the best chocolate on earth
If it's not one thing, it's another
Well, we can tell by the time of this post, that I've still got to work on that whole "getting to bed at a decent hour" thing. This time, my excuse is I'm listening to a book....The Hound of Baskervilles (a Sherlock Holmes Mystery). I have a weakness for not being able to put a book down (or pushing pause) when reading it at night. Thankfully there are only about 2 hours left, so it shouldn't be so bad tomorrow (no, I'm not going to listen to any more tonight). Well, at least that won't be my excuse for not going to bed tomorrow night.
The brilliant thing was, I exercised during the kids' nap time today (while listening to my book), so I didn't have to worry about getting that in tonight. Instead, I went grocery shopping....lots and lots of grocery shopping. I'm trying several new recipes over the next couple weeks and I got all the food for it all. I'm very excited about it. So excited, in fact, that I was tempted to cook all the recipes tonight just to sample them all. Like the title of this entry says, if it's not one thing (reading/listening to a book) it's another (staying up forever cooking 2 weeks worth of dinners).
So, I have acquired a new fan of my humble little blog...welcome, Michelle. :) She gave me some suggestions in a personal email, and I appreciate them greatly. Any time someone has advice/suggestions, it is very welcome. One thing she was wondering about, however, was my water intake. Let me just state for the record (for anyone who may not know)....I only drink water (except for those occasions, like breakfast, when I have milk), and if I do not have water, I cannot eat (for example, if I run out of water in my glass at a restaurant....I stop eating). I have to have water with my meals. So, rest assured, I am drinking water....lots of water. Although, her question was a good reminder to me to consciously ensure I'm getting enough (I think I'm gonna be up in the night a couple times tonight...hehe).
The brilliant thing was, I exercised during the kids' nap time today (while listening to my book), so I didn't have to worry about getting that in tonight. Instead, I went grocery shopping....lots and lots of grocery shopping. I'm trying several new recipes over the next couple weeks and I got all the food for it all. I'm very excited about it. So excited, in fact, that I was tempted to cook all the recipes tonight just to sample them all. Like the title of this entry says, if it's not one thing (reading/listening to a book) it's another (staying up forever cooking 2 weeks worth of dinners).
So, I have acquired a new fan of my humble little blog...welcome, Michelle. :) She gave me some suggestions in a personal email, and I appreciate them greatly. Any time someone has advice/suggestions, it is very welcome. One thing she was wondering about, however, was my water intake. Let me just state for the record (for anyone who may not know)....I only drink water (except for those occasions, like breakfast, when I have milk), and if I do not have water, I cannot eat (for example, if I run out of water in my glass at a restaurant....I stop eating). I have to have water with my meals. So, rest assured, I am drinking water....lots of water. Although, her question was a good reminder to me to consciously ensure I'm getting enough (I think I'm gonna be up in the night a couple times tonight...hehe).
- Oatmeal Crisp (with Almonds) cereal
- The last of the nachos
- Black beans, rice and cheese burrito on a spinach and herbs (or something like that) wrap....kind of like a green tortilla.
- Protein bars
- Pumpkin bread
Monday, April 12, 2010
So much for that
I really was going to keep up with everything after I got back from my vacation. Why do I do that??? I guess it's like writing in my journal. If I don't make it a point to do it every night, despite how tired I am, I end up not doing it for a long time. Sometimes I think that I'll catch up the next night, but I'm usually pretty tired that night too. Before I know it, a couple months have gone by. With me, it's either do it or don't. If I give myself any room for procrastinating, time gets away from me fast. Eventually, I stop thinking about it altogether....and by "eventually" I mean like 3 days.
I don't know if I've mentioned it or not, but I truly, sincerely am the laziest person I know. I'll freely admit it, although it's embarrassing to do so. I am constantly fighting my "natural man" just to do the simplest things. Isn't that just the saddest thing?
*Hi Jaime!* :)
Anyway....why did I mention that? I guess because it all goes hand-in-hand. I'm lazy. I'm forgetful. I'm unmotivated. Hence, offering money to motivate myself. I'll probably be offering some shortly if I don't get my rear in gear.
Just to update over the past few days:

By the way....that blue shirt...it's the "large 12/14" one I bought a few weeks ago. :)
I don't know if I've mentioned it or not, but I truly, sincerely am the laziest person I know. I'll freely admit it, although it's embarrassing to do so. I am constantly fighting my "natural man" just to do the simplest things. Isn't that just the saddest thing?
*Hi Jaime!* :)
Anyway....why did I mention that? I guess because it all goes hand-in-hand. I'm lazy. I'm forgetful. I'm unmotivated. Hence, offering money to motivate myself. I'll probably be offering some shortly if I don't get my rear in gear.
Just to update over the past few days:
- Saturday was the weigh-in for the 12 week challenge at Gold's Gym. I was officially down something like 17 pounds....1.5 inches in my bust, 4 inches in my waist (wahoo!) and a couple inches or so in my hips. Not too bad....but I don't think I'll be going to Hawaii any time soon. :)
- Friday I weighed in for this...I was down 2 pounds. Unfortunately, Kathi didn't have time to take my measurements, so I don't know where I'm at with that. I was happy with the 2 pounds though. I'm down to 205, a total of 26 pounds lost thus far. Wahoo!
- I'm not going to post my meals, just because I am lazy and I don't want to take the time to do that tonight. So sorry...I know that's the whole reason you read this, too. ;) I will say, however, that I am (thus far) still motivated from watching Food, Inc. and have been doing more with that. I'm actually starting a blog for that as well (I know...something else to procrastinate on, huh!). I'll let you know when that's up and going when it is up and going....if you care.

By the way....that blue shirt...it's the "large 12/14" one I bought a few weeks ago. :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Last night I decided to take some nighttime cold medicine. Then I forgot to update my blog before I fell asleep. Whoops.
- 2 crepes with strawberries and nutella
- Milk
- Hamburger
- Protein bar
- 3 Tootsie Rolls
- 1 piece of the best chocolate on earth
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Food, Inc.
So, today I watched the movie Food, Inc. Scary stuff, man. I have been converted to eating better, making healthier choices, choosing organic, buying locally whenever I can. I just hope I can afford it! How does one do this without going broke?? *sigh* Let me know if you have any ideas for me.....or if you know where I can buy some locally raised meat. I think I know where to get beef, but what about chicken and pork? Oh, and I need to find local, fresh eggs too... AH! So much to think about!!!
On another note, I'm getting sick. That is not good. That means my body doesn't want to exert any more energy than is necessary to stay awake (and it's fighting that as well)....which means exercising is pretty much non-existent. Besides, I am a believer in letting your body rest and use the energy to get better instead of going, going, going. In my experience, if I take the time to rest, I seem to get over it a lot quicker. Besides, it doesn't take much to convince me to let myself sleep. Wow...does any of that even make sense?
On another note, I'm getting sick. That is not good. That means my body doesn't want to exert any more energy than is necessary to stay awake (and it's fighting that as well)....which means exercising is pretty much non-existent. Besides, I am a believer in letting your body rest and use the energy to get better instead of going, going, going. In my experience, if I take the time to rest, I seem to get over it a lot quicker. Besides, it doesn't take much to convince me to let myself sleep. Wow...does any of that even make sense?
- Easter egg (they're almost gone)
- Toast
- Milk
- Nachos
- Crepes....with strawberries and bananas....and nutella
- Protein bar
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
New Motivation
So, a good friend of mine went to a little presentation about Tai Slim tonight, where they introduced a new product designed to work hand in hand with Tai Slim. It's called Tai Slim Skinnys.....little chocolate pieces (kind of like Tootsie Rolls, and we all know how I like to snack on those). It's supposed to help a lot with metabolism and keeping you feeling full (it expands in your stomach when you drink water with it as well), etc.
While that news is pretty exciting in and of itself (I'm excited to try it), it is not the motivating factor. My new motivation is that the company who makes Tai Slim (Freelife), is having a Summer Slim Down Challenge....where first prize is $10,000! I'm pretty dang excited about that!!! There are also prizes of $5,000; $3,000; and $1,000 (top 10 winners get at least $1,000). How cool is that?!!?!??!!
Yeah, I'm so signing up for that challenge. And if I win, I'm going to Hawaii....and taking my sisters with me! WAHOO!!!
While that news is pretty exciting in and of itself (I'm excited to try it), it is not the motivating factor. My new motivation is that the company who makes Tai Slim (Freelife), is having a Summer Slim Down Challenge....where first prize is $10,000! I'm pretty dang excited about that!!! There are also prizes of $5,000; $3,000; and $1,000 (top 10 winners get at least $1,000). How cool is that?!!?!??!!
Yeah, I'm so signing up for that challenge. And if I win, I'm going to Hawaii....and taking my sisters with me! WAHOO!!!
- Easter egg
- Toast
- Milk
- Nachos
- Chicken
- Fried potatoes
- Carrots
- 2 protein bars
Monday, April 5, 2010
Back in the saddle again...
Okay, I'm home. Easter is over. And I've got lots to do before Saturday!!!
Can you believe that Saturday is the end of Gold's Gym's 12 week challenge??? How crazy is that? I have only a few days to completely transform my body so I can go to Hawaii! Too bad the weigh-in didn't happen before vacation, since traveling/vacationing/holidaying is not conducive to losing weight.
Of course, with that weigh-in this weekend, the Biggest Loser weigh-in is coming up quickly as well! I'm not quite where I had hoped to be, but at least I've made progress. I'm also pretty focused again, so that's good. I'll keep pluggin' away and hopefully have some good results.
I did some exercising in tonight. I don't think I got much done while on vacation. I would have done more, but my friend had to take it easy, so we didn't walk very fast. However, I didn't take the moving sidewalk at the airport! Yea me!
Can you believe that Saturday is the end of Gold's Gym's 12 week challenge??? How crazy is that? I have only a few days to completely transform my body so I can go to Hawaii! Too bad the weigh-in didn't happen before vacation, since traveling/vacationing/holidaying is not conducive to losing weight.
Of course, with that weigh-in this weekend, the Biggest Loser weigh-in is coming up quickly as well! I'm not quite where I had hoped to be, but at least I've made progress. I'm also pretty focused again, so that's good. I'll keep pluggin' away and hopefully have some good results.
I did some exercising in tonight. I don't think I got much done while on vacation. I would have done more, but my friend had to take it easy, so we didn't walk very fast. However, I didn't take the moving sidewalk at the airport! Yea me!
- Easter egg
- Toast
- Milk
- Nachos
- Hamburger
- Carrots
- 3 chips
- Protein bar
- A sucker
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